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Pancreatic cancer arises when there is uncontrolled growth of the cells that make up the pancreas – a glandular organ located behind the stomach. These cancer cells have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body.There are a number of different types of pancreatic cancer, but pancreatic adenocarcinoma accounts for about 85% of cases. References to pancreatic cancer often refer only to that type. Adenocarcinomas start within the part of the pancreas that makes digestive enzymes, known as the exocrine pancreas. One to two in every hundred cases are neuroendocrine tumors, and arise from the hormone-producing islet cells in the pancreas. Signs and symptoms of the most common form of pancreatic cancer may include yellow skin, abdominal or back pain, unexplained weight loss, light colored stools, dark urine and loss of appetite. However, there are usually no symptoms in the disease's early stages, and symptoms that are specific enough to suspect pancreatic cancer typically do not start until the disease is already in an advanced stage. By the time of diagnosis the cancer has often spread to other parts of the body.
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Pancreatic cancer is rare in those younger than 40, and more than half of cases occur in people over the age of 70. The disease is more common among people who smoke, are obese, have diabetes, or who have certain rare genetic conditions. About 25% of cases are linked to tobacco smoking, while 5–10% are linked to inherited genes. Pancreatic cancer is usually diagnosed by a combination of medical imaging (such as ultrasound and computed tomography), blood tests (such as CEA and CA 19-9) and examination of tissue samples (biopsy). This allows the disease to be divided into stages, from early (stage I) to late (stage IV).Screening the general population has not been found to be effective .